I knew I took these pictures for a reason! These are pictures of my craft room when I first "moved in" to the space. Needless to say...it soooooo doesn't look like that now! I really must clean it! BIG TIME! Here you can see some of my drawers, bins, and part of an old desk I use for a surface and storage.

Here is more of the desk and some cork boards and dry erase boards and you can see a book case and a little storage spot under the desk mentioned above.

My multimedia center! TV, VCR, DVD, AM/FM Stereo, 3 CD Changer, more storage (which is since filled), a chair, a small cub-E hole in the wall which is a little bit more storage, etc.

This is the Computer Center. I usually "work" on a laptop but this is the place I upload photos, print, and edit...pretty much everything else is done on a laptop which is set up down stairs, but, of course, is portable. It's not out of the ordinary for me to have the laptop in the same room while uploading or downloading pics on the BIG MONSTER pictured here.
Anyhow...I posted these pictures to remind myself that I really need to clean my craft room! I'm not looking forward to it...but it has to be done! OH! Plus...now I have a large table in the middle of the room, too!
I love cleaning my craft room and sorting through my junk...er I mean important treasures! I always find something I've forgot about, which usually distracts me on to another project and well, the room doesn't get cleaned! It's a great way out of a creative block though!
Hi Jennifer! Nice blog you hzve here!! Great scrappin' space!! Can I list you on my blog as one of my favorite blog's to visit?? Hugs to you!! Keep up the great work!! Melissa
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